Designing A Dao With The Solidity Programming Language


In today's blog post, we're going to do a very deep and literal dive into the concept of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO). Specifically, we're going to look at how we can design a DAO using Solidity, the object-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum platform.

DAOs stand as a revolutionary concept in the blockchain space, essentially allowing for a completely transparency, and an entirely new way of making decisions in an organization context through the power of smart contracts.

Solidifying Your DAO Understanding

Now, don’t be intimidated by the concept and terminology. Designing a DAO is a complex process, however having a basic understanding of blockchain technology and Solidity would provide sufficient background to follow through this blog post.

In our context, DAO would be a smart contract where, the contract rules are the organization's rules and members make decisions by voting on proposals.

Here's the basic skeleton of such a smart contract in Solidity. Remember, this is a very simplified version.

pragma solidity ^0.5.16; contract DAO { struct Proposal { string description; uint voteCount; } mapping(address => bool) public members; mapping(uint => Proposal) public proposals; uint nextProposalId; function submitProposal(string memory description) public { require(members[msg.sender], "Only members are allowed to submit proposals"); proposals[nextProposalId] = Proposal(description, 0); nextProposalId++; } function vote(uint proposalId) public { require(members[msg.sender], "Only members are allowed to vote"); Proposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalId]; proposal.voteCount++; } }

The code above simply allows members of the DAO to submit proposals and then vote for them. All we need to do is deploy this DAO to the Ethereum blockchain using any Ethereum client like Truffle or Hardhat.


In this post, we've seen the basics of designing a DAO with the Solidity language. While this example was simplistic, it illustrates the power and flexibility of Solidity and the Ethereum platform. With more complex features and rules, you could create a fully-fledged DAO that could manage resources, make decisions, and even launch projects automatically.

Designing a DAO is a substantial topic that goes beyond the scope of this blog post. But still remember, with a deep dive and exploration, it’s a manageable challenge that opens up an universe of decentralization and blockchain-powered possibilities.