Edge Computing In Iot

Introduction to Edge Computing

Move over, cloud computing; there's a new player in the realm of Internet of Things (IoT), and it's known as "Edge Computing." Edge computing is a distributed computing paradigm which brings computation and data storage closer to the devices where it's being gathered, rather than relying on a central location that can be many miles away. By processing data near the edge of your network, you can reduce latency, which can improve response times and save bandwidth.

Why is Edge Computing Important?

Edge computing is beneficial in scenarios where cloud computing cannot operate optimally. For example, in industrial IoT (IIoT) applications, machines like motors, generators, and turbines produce tons of data every second. Sending all that data to the cloud for processing, and then acting upon that data in real time is simply unfeasible due to latency issues. The further away the data processing hub, the longer it takes to process data.

To overcome this issue, edge computing allows data analysis to be performed "on the spot" in the machines themselves (or in a gateway device nearby) before sending the results to the cloud if necessary. Therefore, it helps in these crucial environments to reduce latency and ensure more efficient operations.

Example of Edge Computing in IoT: The Predictive Maintenance

One use case for edge computing in the IoT is predictive maintenance - where devices use data they collect to predict when they might fail and to prevent that failure if possible.

For example, in Python, a machine could be using a predictive maintenance model developed using sklearn that takes sensor data as its input, and predicts machine failure.

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier # Assume 'data' is sensor data and 'labels' is whether or not the machine failed. rf = RandomForestClassifier() rf.fit(data, labels)

The above Python code snippet is a simplified example of how a device might use sensor data to fit a predictive maintenance model. This model would typically run on the device itself or on an edge server nearby, meaning it could predict failure and shut the machine down for maintenance with hardly any delay, potentially preventing catastrophic failure and expensive downtime.


Edge computing has the potential to revolutionize the IoT by reducing latency and bandwidth use, enabling real-time data analysis, and increasing system reliability. As IoT devices continue to proliferate across industries and settings, the importance of edge computing cannot be overstated. This transition to the edge opens new possibilities for how businesses handle their data and manage their IoT devices.

While implementation may not be trivial, the advantages of edge computing ensure it is a worthwhile consideration for any organization looking to optimize their IoT operations and harness the full power of their IoT data.

As always, it's essential to remember that the right solution will depend on your particular use case; what works for one scenario may not work for another. Therefore, it's always a good idea to consult with a professional or conduct extensive research before integrating new technologies into your IoT strategy.