Exploring Local Variable Type Inference In Java


Java 10 introduced a new feature called Local Variable Type Inference, which simplifies variable declarations and reduces the verbosity of code. It allows for easier code maintenance and readability by allowing the Java compiler to determine the type of local variables in a scope automatically. This feature is borrowed from other modern programming languages, like Kotlin and TypeScript.

In this blog post, we will explore Java's Local Variable Type Inference and provide examples on how to use it effectively in your code.

Basics of Local Variable Type Inference

With the introduction of Java 10, the var keyword was added. This keyword enables the compiler to deduce the type of a local variable from the context in which it is used. For example, let's compare the following two code snippets:

Without using var:

ArrayList<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();

With using var:

var myList = new ArrayList<String>();

As you can see, using var makes the code cleaner and easier to read by removing the need to explicitly specify the type of the myList variable.

When to use and when not to use var

Using var is generally recommended when the type is evident from the context. However, there are certain cases where using var may not be recommended. Let's take a look at some common scenarios:

  1. Use var with initialized variables

    • It is necessary to initialize a variable when declaring it with var, as the compiler will infer the type based on the value.


    var name = "John"; var age = 25;
  2. Do not use var with ambiguous types

    • If the type cannot be easily determined from the context, using var may lead to confusion.


    // It is unclear if this is an integer or a double. var result = ambiguousFunction();
  3. Do not use var with method return types or method parameters

    • var should only be used with local variables and not with method parameters or return types.


    // This is not allowed. public var someMethod(var param1, var param2) { ... }

Using 'var' with loops and collections

With loops and collections, using var can make the code more readable by eliminating repetitive type declarations. For example, consider the following code snippet without using var:

List<String> names = Arrays.asList("John", "Alice", "Michael"); for (String name : names) { System.out.println(name); }

Now, let's refactor it using the var keyword for better readability:

var names = Arrays.asList("John", "Alice", "Michael"); for (var name : names) { System.out.println(name); }

As seen above, the implementation looks cleaner, increasing the overall readability of the code.


Local Variable Type Inference is a great feature introduced in Java 10, which, when used appropriately, can enhance code readability and reduce verbosity. We have discussed various scenarios on when to use and when not to use var. Remember that in situations where the type is not easily inferred or leads to confusion, it is better to avoid using var and declare the variable type explicitly. Happy coding!