Exploring The Chi-Square Test In Python


In the ever intriguing world of Data Science, we come across various statistical tests and principles that help us draw insights. The Chi-Square Test is one such useful entity, often employed to find the relationship between two categorical variables. It falls under a category of tests known as 'non-parametric' tests.

Chi-Square Test

The Chi-Square Test enables us to ascertain if there's a correlation between two categorical variables in a dataset. It isn't designed to work with numerical data. For cases where variables are numeric, other tests like T-test or Z-test could be more suitable.

In summary, if you have a dataset with categorical variables and you want to figure out if there are any significant relationships between these variables, Chi-Square Test is a tool to consider.

Assumptions in Chi-Square Test

Like most statistical tests, the Chi-Square Test also makes some assumptions:

  1. Variables should be in the categorical/nominal form.
  2. The observations should be independent.

An Example: Implementing Chi-Square Test in Python

We will be using the library called scipy to carry out the Chi-Square Test. Let's assume we have two variables - weather and whether an event happened or not (Yes or No). The hypothetical data is as follows:

from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency # Creating our contingency table data = [[30, 10], [20, 20], [15, 25]] chi2, p_value, dof, ex = chi2_contingency(data) # Output the results print("===Chi2 Stat===") print(chi2) print("\n") print("===Degrees of Freedom===") print(dof) print("\n") print("===P-Value===") print(p_value) print("\n") print("===Contingency Table===") print(ex)

In the above code, we use the function chi2_contingency from scipy.stats, which is used to conduct the Chi-Square Test on our data.


The Chi-Square Test is a statistical test used to determine if there's a significant association between two categorical variables in a sample data. Understanding this concept and knowing how to implement the test in Python forms an important part of the statistical toolkit for a Data Science professional.