Harnessing The Power Of Rfid Technology In Iot


Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is one of the many tools that the Internet of Things (IoT) utilizes to connect the physical and digital worlds. By providing unique identifiers to physical objects, RFID plays a significant role in information management and automation.

In this blog post, we'll be taking a close look at a simple use case of RFID in a Python-based IoT system. Specifically, we'll be setting up a script that reads data from an RFID reader and prints the data onto the console.


You should have an understanding of Python, and you will need Python 3 installed on your computer. For the RFID reader, we will be using the MFRC522 module and the SPI-Py library.

Setting Up the Environment

First, we need to install the SPI-Py library, a hardware SPI python interface. You can clone it directly from the GitHub repository:

git clone https://github.com/lthiery/SPI-Py.git cd SPI-Py sudo python3 setup.py install

Then, let's install the MFRC522 python module with:

pip3 install mfrc522

Writing the RFID Reader Script

Below is a simple Python script that uses MFRC522 to read RFID data.

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from mfrc522 import SimpleMFRC522 reader = SimpleMFRC522() try: print("Hold a tag near the reader") id, text = reader.read() print("ID: %s\nText: %s" % (id,text)) finally: GPIO.cleanup()

This script initializes the RFID reader and waits for a tag to come into proximity. When it does, the reader reads and prints the ID and the data stored on the tag, then cleans up by resetting all GPIO pins.

Understanding the Script

The script will interact with the attached RFID reader and listen for any new tags. When a new tag is detected, the script will print the ID and data of the tag to the console.

Note that the 'try-finally' block ensures that the GPIO pins are reset, even if an error occurs while running the script. This is necessary to free up the resources and allow the Raspberry Pi to work correctly with the GPIO pins in the future.


RFID technology is a crucial aspect of IoT that allows systems to interact with the physical world in a more straightforward, efficient manner. The Python script we developed above provides a simple example of how IoT devices can utilize RFID technology to gather data from the physical world.

There are many ways to expand this project, such as implementing a database to record the IDs that the system reads and their associated timestamp, which could be useful for various applications such as inventory management. Your imagination is the only limit.

Remember: no matter how complex an IoT system gets, it's all about interacting with and understanding the world around us.