Machine Learning Applied To Automated Route Planning For Autonomous Vehicles

Self-driving cars have seen a rapid increase in prominence over the past few years. The technology behind these driverless vehicles relies on a combination of sensors, inertial measurement units, machine vision and wireless communications. With the development and advancement of artificial intelligence, another avenue of research has developed to optimise and enhance the capabilities of autonomous vehicles, particularly on the subject of route planning.

At its core, route planning for autonomous vehicles is a path-finding problem. Traditional algorithms which are used to solve this problem include A* and Dijkstra’s Algorithm. While these algorithms are sufficient to plan relatively simple paths, they become harder and less efficient with increasing complexity involving features such as turns, obstacles, and speed limits. In order to produce an optimal path, researchers are now turning to machine learning and artificial intelligence in order to make the most accurate predictions.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence can be used to learn from the environment and past planning decisions which generate optimal routes. One example of this is using reinforcement learning in which the self-driving car learns to identify the best possible routes by trial and error. Other more traditional machine learning techniques can also be used for adaptive navigation. Artificial Neural Networks, for example, are used to audit the driving environment and adapt plans based on the data.

In addition to machine learning methods, techniques from the field of optimisation can also be used to produce enhanced route plans. Tabu search, genetic algorithms and ant-colony optimisation can be applied to solve complex path-finding problems in order to find a global optimum.

Overall, machine learning and artificial intelligence have provided a plethora of techniques to improve route-planning strategies for autonomous vehicles. With the help of advanced data science, autonomous vehicles now have enhanced capabilities which can lead to safer and more efficient navigation.

# A* Path Finding Algorithm import heapq #Grid class with basic operations class Grid(object): def __init__(self, width, height): self.width = width self.height = height self.grid = [[0 for _ in range(width)] for _ in range(height)] # return node coordinates (x,y) if present else None def find(self, value): for j in range(self.height): for i in range(self.width): if self.grid[i][j] == value: return (i, j) return None def get_node(self, x, y): return self.grid[x][y] def set_node(self, x, y, value): self.grid[x][y] = value # find optimal route using A* algorithm def shortest_path(start, end, grid): # initialise frontier with starting tuple frontier = [] # loop through the grid to find all nodes for i in range(grid.height): for j in range(grid.width): node = grid.get_node(i, j) # check for the value of the node # and insert it into frontier if( node == 1 or node == -1): item = (node + abs(end[0]-i) + abs(end[1]-j), node, (i, j)) heapq.heappush( frontier, item ) # make empty list for the visited nodes visited = [] while True: if len(frontier) == 0: # return failure if no route is found return False (cost, val, node) = heapq.heappop( frontier ) # return the node if destination found if node == end: return node # else check the surrounding node if node not in visited: visited.append(node) # get the neighbouring node for (i, j) in [(node[0] - 1, node[1]), (node[0] + 1, node[1]), (node[0], node[1] + 1), (node[0], node[1] - 1)]: if 0 <= i < grid.height and 0 <= j < grid.width: next1 = grid.get_node(i, j) if( next1 == -1 or next1 == 1 ): path = (next1 + abs(end[0] - i) + abs(end[1] - j), next1, (i, j)) heapq.heappush(frontier, path) return False # main function if __name__ == '__main__': # create the grid grid = Grid(5, 5) # set ceiling or roads grid.set_node(0, 2, 1) grid.set_node(1, 2, 1) grid.set_node(2, 2, 1) grid.set_node(3, 2, 1) grid.set_node(4, 2, 1) grid.set_node(4, 1, 1) grid.set_node(4, 0, 1) grid.set_node(3, 0, 1) grid.set_node(2, 0, 1) grid.set_node(1, 0, 1) grid.set_node(0, 0, 1) # set walls grid.set_node(2, 3, -1) grid.set_node(3, 3, -1) # set start and end points start = (0, 4) end = (4, 0) # perforf the A* algorithm print(shortest_path(start, end, grid))