Quantum Teleportation In Quantum Computing


Quantum Teleportation, often considered science fiction, is a reality in the strange world of quantum mechanics. It involves the transfer of exact quantum states from one particle to another instantaneously over any distance, seemingly defying classical physics' restrictions. The implementation of quantum teleportation is one of the fundamental processes in Quantum Computing.

Leveraging the IBM Qiskit Framework

To delve deeper into Quantum Teleportation, we'll be using the IBM Qiskit, an open-source quantum computing framework for leveraging today's quantum processors in research, education, and business.

Quantum Teleportation Circuit using Qiskit

Input for us will be Quantum Circuit with 3 qubits and 3 classical bits.

# Required Libraries from qiskit import QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit # Quantum Register with 3 qubits q_reg = QuantumRegister(3) # Classical Register with 3 bits c_reg = ClassicalRegister(3) # Quantum Circuit involving q_reg and c_reg q_circuit = QuantumCircuit(q_reg, c_reg)

We need to set the first qubit to state |1⟩ which we would like to teleport.

# X Gate on the first Qubit q_circuit.x(q_reg[0]) # Barrier q_circuit.barrier()

Generating state |ψ⟩ to be teleported, use Hadamard gate from Qiskit on the second qubit, followed by a Controlled-X (CNOT) operation on the second and third qubits.

# Hadamard gate on the 2nd Qubit q_circuit.h(q_reg[1]) # CNOT Gate on the 2nd and 3rd Qubit q_circuit.cx(q_reg[1], q_reg[2]) # Barrier q_circuit.barrier()

With this setup, when we apply a CNOT & a Hadamard to the first qubit, followed by a measure on the first and second, one will find that the Quantum state of the 1st qubit has been teleported to the 3rd qubit regardless of the two possible measurements at the end.

# CNOT Gate on the 1st and 2nd Qubit q_circuit.cx(q_reg[0], q_reg[1]) # Hadamard Gate on the 1st Qubit q_circuit.h(q_reg[0]) # Measure on the 1st and 2nd Qubit q_circuit.measure(q_reg[0], c_reg[0]) q_circuit.measure(q_reg[1], c_reg[1]) # Barrier q_circuit.barrier()

Lastly, we apply a last round of quantum gates conditioned by the classical bits we measured previously, final measurements are performed.

# Controlled Z and X gates with 3rd Qubit as the target q_circuit.cz(q_reg[0], q_reg[2]) q_circuit.cx(q_reg[1], q_reg[2]) # Measurement of the 3rd Qubit q_circuit.measure(q_reg[2], c_reg[2])

You can visualize the circuit drawn up using q_circuit.draw() method. Note that all these operations are being applied instantly, across space, illustrating quantum mechanics' entanglement and illustrating quantum teleportation functionality.

The topic today can become mainstream in the future as it plays an important role in emerging technologies like quantum key distribution (QKD), a protocol for sharing encryption keys securely using Quantum Teleportation.

Quantum mechanics continues to challenge notions we've grown comfortably with through classical physics, yet its ability to push these boundaries promises exciting possibilities in computing in the foreseeable future.