Understanding Genetic Algorithms In Artificial Intelligence


Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are inspired by the process of natural selection that belongs to the larger class of evolutionary algorithms (EA). They reflect the process of natural selection where the fittest individuals are selected for reproduction in order to produce the offspring of the next generation.

In this article, we are going to discuss the working of Genetic Algorithms and the Python code for a basic GA problem.

Structure of a Genetic Algorithm

A typical GA works on populations containing candidate solutions. These solutions then evolve by applying bio-inspired operations such as mutation, crossover, and selection.

The Basic Steps involved in a Genetic Algorithm are:

  1. Initialize a population: Generating a set of solutions randomly in a population which undergoes evolution.

  2. Fitness Function: Evaluating the suites of candidate solutions against a problem-specific measure.

  3. Genetic Operators: Updating the population using mutation, crossover, and selection which are bio-inspired operators.

  4. Termination: Repeating the above steps until a termination condition is met. These conditions could be finding an optimal solution or a set number of iterations.

Python Implementation

Let's work upon a simple coded example in Python to further understand GAs. In this case, let's try to find the maximum value in a given function.

import numpy as np # Fitness function def fitness(x): return x**2 # GA parameters num_generations = 50 population_size = 10 # Initialize population population = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, population_size) for generation in range(num_generations): # Evaluate fitness fitness_val = fitness(population) # Select parents for reproduction (the top 50%) parents = population[np.argsort(fitness_val)[-population_size//2:]] # Crossover (simple arithmetic recombination) children = (parents[:-1:2] + parents[1::2])/2.0 # Mutation (adding small random values) children += np.random.normal(0, 1, size=children.shape) # Replace the lower fitness individuals with the new children (survival of the fittest) population[np.argsort(fitness_val)[:population_size//2]] = children print("Optimal fitness obtained:", np.max(fitness(population))) print("Obtained solution:", population[np.argmax(fitness_val)])


GAs are a go-to solution for various optimization problems, especially when we lack understanding or analytic forms of objective functions. With the powerful nature-inspired technique, we can find optimal solutions in numerous applications including scheduling, gaming, robotics, and machine learning.

Please note, this is a simplified version of GA operations. Real-world implementations might have more sophisticated methods for genetic operations and survival selection.

Remember, choosing a fitness function corresponding to the problem is the key to effectively solving it using a GA. Spend adequate time understanding the problem at hand and formulating a robust fitness function and selection method.