Understanding Singular Value Decomposition In Machine Learning


In the field of Machine Learning, data preprocessing and efficient representation can be a vital process. One of the methods used in data preprocessing and dimensionality reduction is Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). SVD is a matrix factorization method commonly used in statistics, signal processing and machine learning. In this post, we would dive into the basic understanding of Singular Value Decomposition and how it can be implemented in Python.

What is Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)?

SVD is a method of decomposing a matrix into three other matrices. Suppose we have a matrix A, applying singular value decomposition results in three matrices U, Σ, and Vᵀ such that:

A = UΣVᵀ


  • U is an m x m matrix (also known as the left singular vectors),
  • Σ (Sigma) is an m x n diagonal matrix, and
  • Vᵀ is the conjugate transpose of an n x n matrix, V (also known as the right singular vectors).

Application of SVD

Singular Value Decomposition is applied in various fields such as:

  • Noise reducing operations in signal processing
  • Image compression
  • Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) in Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Data compression in machine learning, and more.

Implementing SVD in Python

Now, let's see how we can compute SVD in Python with a simple example. Python's numerical computation library, NumPy, provides a function to compute the SVD of a matrix.

Consider this matrix A:

A = np.array([[4, 11, 14], [8, 7,-2]])

To perform SVD on matrix A, you can do as follows:

import numpy as np # Defining the matrix A A = np.array([[4, 11, 14], [8, 7,-2]]) # Performing SVD U, Sigma, V_transpose = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=False) # Printing the matrices print(f"Matrix U:\n {U}") print(f"\nMatrix Sigma:\n {np.diag(Sigma)}") print(f"\nMatrix V transpose:\n {V_transpose}")

In this script, we use the np.linalg.svd() function to compute the SVD of the matrix A. The full_matrices=False argument, specifies to return U, Σ, and Vᵀ such that they satisfy the equation with respect to the original matrix A.

And voila! you have successfully understood and implemented SVD! This has numerous applications in machine learning and comes very handy especially in the data preprocessing step.