Using Genetic Algorithms In Data Science


Genetic algorithms are computational models inspired by natural evolution. They simulate the process of natural selection where the fittest individuals are selected for reproduction, leading to the evolution of the population towards an optimal state. Data scientists have successfully applied genetic algorithms in feature selection, hyperparameter tuning, clustering, rules learning, and other machine learning applications. Today, we'll focus on how to use genetic algorithms for feature selection in scikit-learn.

Why Use Genetic Algorithms for Feature Selection?

Large datasets can include hundreds or thousands of features, some of which may be irrelevant or redundant, which reduces the performance of machine learning algorithms. Feature selection reduces this high-dimensionality by selecting the most informative features. Genetic algorithms can efficiently search the feature space to identify the optimal subset for a given machine learning algorithm.

Implementing in Python with scikit-learn

First, let's install deap, a Python library for evolutionary algorithms, including genetic algorithms:

!pip install deap

Now, let's implement a genetic algorithm for feature selection using deap and scikit-learn in Python:

import numpy as np from deap import creator, base, tools, algorithms from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score from sklearn.svm import SVC # Load Iris dataset iris = datasets.load_iris() X, y =, # Create Fitness and Individual classes creator.create('Fitness', base.Fitness, weights=(1.0,)) creator.create('Individual', list, fitness=creator.Fitness) # Initialize Toolbox toolbox = base.Toolbox() toolbox.register('attr_bool', np.random.uniform, 0, 1) # Random feature selection toolbox.register('individual', tools.initRepeat, creator.Individual, toolbox.attr_bool, len(X[0])) toolbox.register('population', tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.individual) # Fitness function def evaluate(individual): mask = np.array(individual) > 0.5 # Turn individual into a Boolean mask score = cross_val_score(SVC(), X[:, mask], y, cv=5).mean() # 5-fold cross-validation return (score,) toolbox.register('evaluate', evaluate) toolbox.register('mate', tools.cxTwoPoint) # Crossover operator toolbox.register('mutate', tools.mutFlipBit, indpb=0.05) # Mutation operator toolbox.register('select', tools.selTournament, tournsize=3) # Selection operator # Run the genetic algorithm pop = toolbox.population(n=50) # Population size hof = tools.HallOfFame(1) # Best individuals stats = tools.Statistics(lambda ind: stats.register('avg', np.mean) stats.register('min', np.min) stats.register('max', np.max) pop, log = algorithms.eaSimple(pop, toolbox, cxpb=0.5, mutpb=0.2, ngen=40, stats=stats, halloffame=hof, verbose=True)

This genetic algorithm will evolve a population of individuals, where each individual represents a different subset of the features. The fitness of an individual is the average accuracy of a Support Vector Machine (SVM) trained on the selected features, evaluated using 5-fold cross-validation. The algorithm will automatically mate and mutate the individuals across forty generations to optimize the feature subset.


Genetic algorithms offer an effective and intuitive approach for feature selection, particularly in high-dimensional datasets. They are flexible, easy-to-implement and can significantly improve the performance of machine learning algorithms. However, like any algorithm, they have their limitations and should be used judiciously and in consideration of the problem at hand.